Sunday, October 24, 2010

Go Green! Planet 4-H Impacts...

How the Green Squad has made a difference so far...

The 4-H Green Squad recently unveiled their study model for the Go Green! Planet 4-H at an exhibit at the 2010 St. Clair County EarthFair (April 16-17, 2010). The project has been successful in making the following impacts during 2009-2010:

Through the exhibit Sanilac County 4-H youth led a discussion and taught nearly 5,000 other children, youth, and families more about wind energy, green architecture, and 4-H in the thumb region.

Marlette High School applied for “Green School” designation through the State, - and received it! Teachers worked with 4-H staff and mentors to offer Biofuel Blast to 80 youth in the middle school. Aside from the learning, the value of the activity was in the partnerships that were forged. Recently one of the teachers stated that because of the activity entered into by 4-H and the school they were granted “Green School” designation.

More than half of recruited members of the Sanilac County 4-H Green Squad are female.

More than 20 youth have been able to teach others more about alternative energy in our region.

Nearly 100 children, youth, and families from the Marlette region learned about biofuel through Biofuel Blast through the 2009 National Youth Science Experiment!

The Green Squad has initiated a “Renewable Resources for Electricity in our Region” community survey –  which will be compiled and presented to local decision makers.

Members of the Green Squad were one of six 4-H groups from across the state that taught more than 300 children, youth, and families more about wind power on Michigan State University’s campus for Science is a Blast Day.

Sanilac County 4-H worked with a “Dream Team” of science and technology partners from the Michigan Sea Grant, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment, MSU campus, and the NOAA Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary to submit an application to the National 4-H Council for the 2010 National Youth Science Experiment which came in as one of the top three in the nation.

The Sanilac County MSU Extension Educator is currently working with partners on campus on a grant that will incorporate the Go Green! Planet 4-H project, and (if received) will be a model across the country for other 4-H groups.

Through a Michigan State University Extension-wide effort we will develop and deliver programming through a combination of methods including eXtension (partnering with existing and develop new Communities of Practice), expansion of Michigan’s Planet 4-H program, partnering with the state’s SNAP-Ed program to execute a statewide curriculum, statewide and multi-state producer and community meetings, regular webinars with open access, and web-based tools (websites, newsletters, social networking methods). An external advisory board, comprised of Extension staff and administration from around the U.S. that oversee programs in agriculture, communities, nutrition, and youth will provide guidance on development of deliverables and assist in the adoption of deliverables in other areas of the country as a means of ensuring that this is a model program ready for adoption in other states and communities.

Evaluation results will be used to apply for future funding for 4-H science projects.

Underserved audiences were reached in that EarthFair is free - and so accessible to limited-income families. It is open to the general public and promoted throughout Sanilac County.

More than 64 business and/or organizations were able to feature their earth-friendly products and/or services at EarthFair 2010, and nine farms were able to offer their earth-friendly agricultural techniques through EarthFair 2010. Fifteen animal related organizations were at EarthFair to discuss everything from wild-life rehab to wild-life habitat.

Meet the 4-H Green Squad - Chelsea

Taking green action in Michigan...

In our own backyard. Wind Energy...

Wind Power by Chelsea Carson

Okay as you all know the 4-H Go Green Team has been going to a lot of earth day fairs. Well personally I have attended two of those, and I had a lot of fun. At fourteen I learned a lot of new things and I was able to enjoy it! So I gathered a lot of facts and some of which I would like to share with you!

These facts came from the Danish Wind Industry Association.

Facts on Wind Power/Energy:

1 blade is 14,000 lbs. and is very hollow
Rotors go 12-19 p.m.s/per minute
They do have troubleshooting problems
1.5 mega wats and don’t store any power
Maximum speed is 55mph-automatic shut down if it goes any higher
2 major cautions are electricity and height
Generators and powers/engines must be checked every 6months
To do this job you must be healthy and strong and be able to climb at least 263 ft. high (well hooked and wired)
Usually an average person climbs at least 3 times a day
1 turbine can power 400-300 homes (that is a lot)

Well I hope you learned as much from this as you can. Remember it doesn’t take a genius to learn something like this; I started in 5th grade and have been learning about wind power since then!

Your friend
~ 4-H Green Squad member Chelsea Carson~

Meet the 4-H Green Squad - Erin

Opening doors for future leaders...

The Go Green! Planet 4-H program can serve as a model for 4-H clubs across county and state lines...

"The reason that I’m a member of the Go Green! Planet 4-H group is because our earth needs help! So many people today don’t even care that the oceans are polluted or that we are in global warming. That’s why I’m here. To be a part of the group that actually care about our earth. The goal of our group was to design a green house that gave back to our earth. During this short period of time we have done so much more! That is just one of the reasons why I want to be part of Go Green! Planet 4-H, to save our earth!”

~Erin, Member of the
Sanilac County 4-H Green Squad

Ariel Photo of Actual Go Green! Property

Visitors Center (4000 sq. ft. ) Design Plan Challenge

The Visitor’s Center will:
Display bio-diversity ideas, conservations techniques, wave, wind and solar design, and be open to the general public.
Large display area
Two Restrooms
Curator office
Conference Room
Storage Room
200 seat Auditorium
1000 gallon fresh water
Sales Area
Staff lounge. This is shared with research facilities.
Mechanical Room
10’x12’ over head door and service entrance for deliveries.
Provide a main entry from the existing North Lakeshore Road. The drive must accommodate two way traffic movements and be twenty-five feet wide.
Provide a parking area that will accommodate for One hundred cars. The buildings, walkways and parking area must meet handicap standards and promote for safe pedestrian movement.
A handicap ramp built form renewable recourses connecting the main building to the Lake shore.

Research Facility (3000 sq. ft.)
The Research Facility will:
Include a laboratory for testing plant, soil and other natural resources.
Storage Room
Two Restrooms
Lab tech Office
Conference Room
Two Class Rooms
All waste produced on site will be recycled and reused on site.

Food Plot (One Acre)
A one acre food plot will grow a variety of plants. This will be an outdoor area and will feature drought resistant plants, square foot gardening, and organic growing techniques.

Livestock Building (3000 sq. ft.)
This structure must accommodate a wide verity of livestock. Innovative ways for promoting a healthy livestock environment should be incorporated in the design of this structure.

Overview of the Go Green! Planet 4-H Design Plan

An overhead view of the Go Green! Planet 4-H model shows the Welcome Center and relationship to the Research Center. Youth planned the model to be connected through an underground clear glass tunnel that would allow visitors to view the Great Lakes ecosystem first-hand. The entire complex has been planned for wheelchair accessibility in order for everyone to learn hands-on and experientially.

Side View of the Model

A side view of the Go Green! Planet 4-H model shows how the Welcome Center has been intentionally built into the ground to decrease the structure’s footprint on the property, and also to maximize energy efficiency. Solar panels on the roof of the structure will allow natural lighting into the building, and also help provide energy to power the building.

Students placed the building offshore in the waters of Lake Huron in order to have access to conduct Great Lake water quality, fisheries, climate change, and alternative energy research. The one acre food plot will allow youth and their partners to experiment with hydroponics, organic growing techniques, and drought resistant landscaping.

The Design by the Sanilac County Green Squad - Planet 4-H

The design plan for the Research Facility (left) offers a solution to the community need for a full service community center, and provides an area for Great Lakes Educational Research. It is conceptualized to operate on clean, sustainable energy. All supporting utilities, (i.e. electricity, water, heating and cooling), can be produced on site by means of natural, clean renewable recourses, and all waste produced on site will be recycled and reused on site.

The glazed roof of the building is designed to be constructed of solar panels and glass in order to increase and maximize natural lighting; and reduce the need for electrical lighting. The idea would be to direct natural daylight into the building.

Under the roof, a rainwater collection system will capture rain and other precipitation to be used within the building to enhance water conservation.

Under the rainwater collector system, solar panels top the three floors which will be designed to hold an indoor ice skating rink, basketball court, pool, physical fitness center, complete with track, workout area, and full service spa.

Youth placed the one acre food plot on an open deck which will feature organic growing techniques and include composting.

The underwater classrooms and observation areas allow visitors to become part of the Great Lakes habitat as they can look out from the circular glass structure.

Under the classrooms is an underwater laboratory that will allow visitors to conduct experiments and monitor water quality, aquatic life, and invasive species.

An underwater hydropower generator system helps to power the facility.

Visitors can enter the research facility through the underground tunnel, or by boat via the water. The facility will allow scuba divers to enter the water from the classrooms or Laboratory. In the center of the structure is an elevator that operates on a water exchange system.

Meet the Sanilac County 4-H Green Squad

4-H has incredible young people – youth who are stepping up to today’s challenges and making an impact right now...

Go Green! Planet 4-H Program Challenge

A tough assignment...

Orin Campbell, a local architect prepared the Go Green! Planet 4-H Program Assignment. It reflects a sort of concept car—of alternative energy and green, sustainable building architecture. The site was intentionally selected on the water (in order for youth to incorporate water aquacultures, ecosystems, hydroponics, and water quality features in their design plans). At the same time, the site offered adequate space for the beginnings of a Planet 4-H Campus, which will be constructed over time.

The final site selected lies on North Lakeshore Road, north of the village of Port Sanilac, Michigan (on coastal Lake Huron). Following is a description of the program Mr. Campbell gave to youth in the project.

Go Green! Planet 4-H
Program Plan

Sanilac Country 4-H in conjunction with Michigan State University has commissioned 4-H middle and high school students to develop the Go Green! Planet 4-H site located on Lake Huron in Sanilac County, Michigan.

The site is relatively undeveloped and was chosen for its natural features. The features consist of a hilly topography, heavily wooded, lake Front property with a large raven bisecting it. The design youth team must develop both the site and building, incorporating sustainable design while addressing drought resistant landscaping, perennials, native species, bio-diversity, water conservation, soil erosion, wave power, wind power, solar power, electric cars/machinery - and much more.

The intent of this project is to develop the following program while having a minimal impact to the existing site and its natural features while addressing drought resistant landscaping, perennials, native species, bio-diversity, water conservation, soil erosion, wave power, wind power, solar power, electric cars/machinery - and much more.

Meet the 4-H Green Squad - Devin

"Working with the Green Squad has helped me better understand how to have a low impact on the earth, while still developing and advancing society. Also to educate others who want to learn how to create eco-friendly development in order to limit our impact on the earth”

~Devin, Member of the
Sanilac County 4-H Green Squad

Meet the 4-H Green Squad - Alison

"Being in Go Green! Planet 4-H means making the next generation more environmentally friendly”

~Alison, Member of the
Sanilac County 4-H Green Squad

Meet the 4-H Green Squad - Abbey

To the Sanilac County 4-H Green Squad the world is full of questions! And unexpected answers, remarkable adventures and amazing outcomes… are possible... "Go Green is an opportunity for me to learn about eco-friendly living and share what I know with others. I hope that through this project we can benefit our community and others as well!” ~Abbey, Member of the Sanilac County 4-H Green Squad The Sanilac County 4-H Green Squad serves as an amazing example of how 4-H youth are able to think outside of the box in order to exhibit leadership in the community.

4-H Green Squad Exhibits at the 2010 Sanilac County 4-H Fair

Kelsey takes a moment to discuss wind power at the 2010 Sanilac County 4-H Fair. Members of the 4-H Green Squad also featured.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Siting Wind Farms in the Great Lakes Region: Policy Summary and Analysis

Retrieved 10/20/10 from:

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA -- The Great Lakes region has a widely varied policy framework to govern the development of wind energy facilities on the land. A wind energy facility can be a single turbine, but more often it is a group of turbines that are constructed as part of a single development project, commonly known as a "wind farm." This article compares and contrasts Great Lakes states and provincial policies that affect wind farm development. Read the entire article to find out more.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Go Green! Planet 4-H Wins County Honors at the Sanilac County 4-H Fair

Even though the architectural model was broken during fair, it won County Honors! Great job Green Squad!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sanilac County 4-H Green Squad Unveil "Planet 4-H"

Sanilac County 4-H participated in the 2010 EarthFair in Goodells Park, St. Clair County, Michigan. Teens unveiled their Go Green! Planet 4-H study model, design plans for the model, and helped a couple thousand children youth and families make wind socks! Aside from this youth explained wind energy through a hands-on wind energy exhibit, including using a working model wind turbine. The Green Squad began gathering input from the community (via a survey) on attitudes and ideas about alternative energy in the thumb region. Thanks to all the volunteers, leaders, and teens that made this a huge success!

To view more photos, click on Melanie's Facebook Badge link to the right.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Youth Taking Development & Design Lead

Planet 4-H is part of the Go Green! Planet 4-H project where youth are learning more about green building and alternative energy by helping to build a model/"concept" community center - Planet 4-H. The architectural model is being designed using green building techniques. It is also being planned as a completely self-sustaining property. Youth are working from a program plan supplied by Mr. Campbell to incorporate wind energy, solar energy from the sun, geothermal energy from heat inside the earth, biomass from plants, which includes firewood from trees, ethanol from corn, biodiesel, and hydropower from hydroturbins.

According to Mr. Campbell, “The Sanilac County Youth involved with this project have taken a lead role in developing this program. I am very excited for them and how they have taken ownership in this project. The team members truly have a genuine interest in what they are doing. This project from the start has placed the design team in a real world situation. Though site visitation and collecting of information they were able to experience first hand involvement in the design process. With this information they were able to build a site model depicting the existing conditions. Next, the team developed several innovative design concepts that addressed the issues presented to them. They are currently working hard on finalizing their overall design and presentation.”

The 4-Her's have been studying alternative energy, and have learned that Americans get most of their energy form non-renewable energy sources, which include the fossil fuels - oil, natural gas, and coal. Nonrenewable energy sources account for 93% of all energy used in the United States (US Energy Information Administration, 3/15/10).
The chart above shows what energy sources the United States uses. Nonrenewable energy sources account for 93% of all energy used in the Nation. Biomass, the largest renewable source, accounts for over half of all renewable energy and 3.7% of total energy consumption. (Note: 53% of 7% is 3.7%.) (US Energy Information Administration, 3/15/10).
Youth expect to unveil Planet 4-H, and their design plans at the 2010 St. Clair County EarthFair, April 16-17, 2010 at Goodells Park. Aside from the model, the youth hope to display a model wind turbine, a fuel cell car, and an additional model alternative energy house.

US Energy Information Administration. (2010). retrieved 3/15/10 from:

MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer that is funded in part by the Sanilac County Board of Commissioners. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, or family status. Issued in furtherance of Extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Thomas G. Coon, Extension director, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI 48824.

Planet 4-H - Trees Added

Youth added trees to the Planet 4-H site. Note that a stream bisects the Go Green! property.

Green Squad Brain Storms Design Ideas...

Sanilac County 4-H Green Squad Building Planet 4-H Model

The Green Squad working on a study model of Planet 4-H.

February Go Green! Meeting

Working with local partners, the Green Squad works on design plans for Planet 4-H.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sanilac County 4-H Green Squad Planning Visit to Michigan Energy Options in East Lansing

Joel Wiese of Michigan Energy Options explains the ease of homemade worm composting kits.

Energy + Education + Services
Michigan Energy Options is a results driven 501(c)3 nonprofit focused on promoting and implementing quality energy-efficiency and sustainability programming. Since the organization’s founding in 1978 under the name, Urban Options, we have provided solutions for thousands of Michigan families and businesses that save energy and natural resources. The Sanilac County 4-H Green Squad is planning a visit to Michigan Energy Options.

These seminars are an overview of energy efficient, ecological and sustainable options for the home.

The average tour length runs from 1 to 1.5 hours and can be scheduled during the hours of 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Special arrangements can be made for evening or weekend tours

Topics discussed on tours include:
• Passive Solar Design
• Home Weatherization Techniques
• Energy Efficient Lighting
• Recycled Materials
• LEED certification and building requirements
• Edible Forest Garden
• Backyard Composting
• Vermi (Worm) Composting
• Solar Energy System
• Energy Bike!
• Toxic Free Cleaning

As the State of Michigan takes steps to improve energy efficiency and conservation programming, Michigan Energy Options looks to support these efforts. They do this by providing timely and thoughtful analysis of the critical energy issues that face residents and businesses along with targeted program driven solutions to these problems.

Michigan Energy Options offers a variety of energy education and conservation programming that range from Residential Energy Assessments and Commercial Energy Audits to workshops and seminars for residents as well as low-income programs. They also host two State of Michigan designated Energy Demonstration Centers. Located in East Lansing and Marquette, these centers offer visitors a variety of educational information, best practices in energy efficiency, conservation and renewable energy technologies.

Michigan Energy Options hopes to create lasting impacts that help encourage the continued market transformation of energy efficiency products and resources in Michigan to advance an energy efficient economy. To help support their efforts please visit our website for the latest information on current programs and statewide initiatives:

Recycling Rap (David Suzuki cameo!!!!)

Taking care of the environment can be so much fun!!

Take AIM at Climate Change

An upbeat invitation to "Take AIM at Climate Change" - with "AIM" standing for Adapt, Innovate, Mitigate. The lyrics are based on the latest science of Earth's changing climate, with the music a mix of rap and pop. Four verses connect changes in the Arctic and Antarctic to conditions around the planet, with choruses encouraging long-term thinking, and individual and community action. Optimistic, forward-thinking, but now's the time to act. "Yes we can!" take AIM at climate change. Download the video or audio versions at to iPods or iPhones, and share with friends.

Combined Heat & Power: how it works

CHP is the heart of an efficient, decentralised energy system. It's the most efficient way possible to burn fuel because so little energy is lost as waste heat. That's how CHP plants in Denmark can reach up to 95 per cent efficiency.

Because the heat needs to be captured and piped around the local district, CHP plants are usually sited in the towns and cities where the electricity and heat will be used. This makes it more efficient for electricity generation as well as heat; very little energy is lost in transmission.

Micro hydro: how it works

Micro hydro uses diverted river water to local produce up to 100 KW of power. Very useful in water rich areas where access to other energy sources is difficult. Find out how it works in this minute long silent animation.

Tidal power: how it works

Flash animation taken from EfficienCity, a virtual demonstration of how real world communities around the UK can use renewable and energy efficient systems to enjoy lower greenhouse gas emissions, cheaper electricity and heating bills, and a more secure energy supply.

Biogas: how it works

Here is a hint for how the Sanilac Green Squad can dispose of waste on Planet 4-H. Biogas typically refers to a gas produced by the biological breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Comprised primarily of methane and carbon dioxide, biogas originates from biogenic material and is a type of biofuel. It's a product of the anaerobic digestion or fermentation of biodegradable materials such as manure or sewage, and can be used in CHP plants.

Teen Designs Eco-Homes of the Future

4-H Green Squad Teens in Sanilac County are not so different from teens around the world. Meet Digital Open ( winning teen Ferran Rovira Bosca, of Spain. This 15-year-old created a concept for an "Eco Self-Sustaining House" -- architecture of the future that captures its own renewable energy, and is independent of electrical power companies. Ferran believes that technology can help us come up with new ways of protecing the environment, and designing our homes in new, smarter ways is the area that captures his interest.

More about Ferran's project here:

Institute for the Future teamed up with Sun Microsystems and Boing Boing to create the Digital Open, an online tech expo for global youth.

The competition welcomed entries in 8 categories: Open Code, Community, Discovery, Earth, Entrepreneurs, Gear, Media, and Play.

More online:
Category: Science & Technology

MSUToday: Green roof research

MSU's researchers trying to make the best use of available space on campus with green roofs.

Building a hoophouse - part two - with Adam Montri

Michigan State University hoophouse specialist Adam Montri and his wife Dru put up their own passive solar greenhouse at their Ten Hens Farm in Michigan. Part 2 of this three-part series on Sustainable shows the Montris and their friends working on the polycarbonate endwalls and installing the two layers of polyethylene that cover the hoophouse. Dr. John Biernbaum of MSU's Student Organic Farm also offers tips.

Building a Hoophouse - Part One - with Adam Montri

Adam Montri is the hoophouse specialist for Michigan State University. Hoophouses (or high tunnels) are unheated greenhouses that are becoming increasingly popular with home gardeners and farmers eager to extend the growing season. Montri is also building his own hoophouse, and Sustainable asked him for tips, information and advice. (Video by Bonnie Bucqueroux & Tina Sarkey - music by Drew Howard for www.sustainablefarmercom)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Go Green! Planet 4-H Design Plan:

Here is the 1st challenge for all 4-H volunteers and youth who are interested in helping to design Planet 4-H. Please take time to think about this program, and jot down some ideas to bring with you to the next 4-H Go Green Meeting, February 7, 2010, 1pm at the Sanilac County MSU Extension office (37 Austin Street, Sandusky, MI):

Go Green! Planet 4-H Design Plan:
Sanilac Country 4-H in conjunction with Michigan State University has commissioned you to develop this site located on Lake Huron in Sanilac County, Michigan. The site is relatively undeveloped and was chosen for its natural features. The features consist of a hilly topography, heavily wooded, Lake Front property with a large raven bisecting it. The design youth team must develop both the site and building, incorporating sustainable design while addressing drought resistant landscaping, perennials, native species, bio-diversity, water conservation, soil erosion, wave power, wind power, solar power, electric cars/machinery - and much more.

The intent of this project is to develop the following program while having a minimal impact to the existing site and its natural features. The following items must be provided in your design:

1). 7000 sq ft. Go Green Research Facilities and Visitors Center

3000 sq. ft. Research Facilities:
i.e. laboratory for testing plant, soil and other natural resources.
Storage Room
Two Restrooms
Lab tech Office
Conference Room
Two Class Rooms
10’x12’ over head door and service entrance for deliveries.

4000 sq. ft. Visitors Center:
Center to display bio-diversity ideas, conservations techniques, wave, wind and solar design. This partition of the facilities would be open to the general public.
Large display area
Two Restrooms
Curator office
Conference Room
Storage Room
200 seat Auditorium
1000 gallon fresh water Aquarium
Sales Area
Staff lounge. This is shared with research facilities.
Mechanical Room

2). Provide a main entry from the existing North Lakeshore Road. The drive must accommodatetwo way traffic movements and be twenty-five feet wide.

3). Provide a parking area that will accommodate for One hundred cars. The buildings, walkways and parking area must meet handicap standards and promote for safe pedestrian movement. A handicap ramp built form renewable recourses connecting the main building to the Lake shore.

4). Provide a 3000 sq. ft. Livestock building. This structure must accommodate for a wide verity of livestock. Innovative ways for promoting a health livestock environment should be incorporated in the design of this structure.

5). Provide a one acre food plot to grow a verity of plants. This will be an outdoor area and will feature organic growing techniques.

Additional Notes:
All supporting utilities, i.e. electricity, water, heating and cooling, for this project will be produced on site by means of natural, clean renewable recourses.

All waste produced on site shall be recycled and reused on site.

You will be furnished with a scaled site plan that highlights the existing features.

The completed project will include a completed 3-D architectural model scaled at 1” = 10’, schematic design display boards, a power point presentation, and a video.

Sanilac County Go Green! Planet 4-H Project

Video introducing the Sanilac County Go Green! Planet 4-H Project featuring a Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET) project. Go Green! Planet 4-H provides a real-life opportunity for 4-H youth and volunteers to learn more about alternative energy, including biofuels, wind energy, solar power, geothermal energy, tidal power, and designing a "green" building site. The end-result will be an architectural model (rather than an actual building), and youth will have an opportunity to work with a local architect, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, local schools, as well as other key community members and organizations to complete the project.

One Million New Scientists

"A Day Without Water": Upstream

4-H National Youth Science Day 2009 Highlights from Across the Country

Here are some of the highlights from National Youth Science Day being celebrated across the country.

Professional hockey players Put Global Warming On Ice

Professional hockey players throughout the NHL have signed on to the NHLPA Carbon Neutral Challenge. They're playing it cool along with the David Suzuki Foundation.

Energy Saving Tips from David Suzuki

David Suzuki has a few simple suggestions to save energy and be better to the planet. For more tips on how you can make a difference visit

Join David Suzuki's Nature Challenge

Join David Suzuki's Nature Challenge by visiting! Learn about the 10 most effective things you can do to protect nature.

World-Renowned Environmental Scientist

3-min version of an hour-long documentary, featuring world-renowned environmental scientist Dr. David Suzuki. This is a must-see film! Produced by Avanti Pictures Corp at

Mobility 2088:

4-H youth have been leading innovation for more than 100 years. Ever since the dawn of man mobility has been central to our growth and freedom as a civilization. There have always been places to go, and people to see, greener pastures and bluer skies, and undiscovered lands. But what about the future of mobility? Here Honda asks some of the great thinkers of our generation how they think people will get around in 80 years. From the hope of hydrogen to the dream of space exploration, these futurists, scientists, artists, and forward thinkers ponder the possibilities of future transportation. The Sanilac county 4-H Green Squad is looking at ways to improve mobility using sustainable alternative energies. With their help, the next 100 years will be even brighter than the last. Watch and see if you’re ready for the surprises the experts are predicting.

Kick Out The Ladder:

What happens when you get beyond your comfort zone? 4-H with it's mission of making the better best, encourages youth to stretch their abilities. Honda invites you to discover the meaning of the inspirational metaphor – Kick Out The Ladder - that has helped impossible dreams come true. Join their cinematic journey and unearth this unique way of advancing – from Honda associates who have kicked out the ladder, as well as those who have achieved success as a result of it.

Failure the Secret To Success:

Failure. The mere thought can paralyze even the most heroic thinkers and keep great ideas off the drawing board. But is failing all that bad? In 4-H we teach youth that there is really no such thing as failure. This video gives more insight from the mishaps of Honda racers, designers, and engineers. It teaches us more about how professionals draw upon failure to help them succeed. From poor color choices to blown race engines, these risk taking individuals provide an honest look at what most people fear most. Watch the film to learn more about the upside of failure.

Racing Against Time

Whether you’re getting a project ready for spring achievement, turning in a state award, or getting your livestock ready for fair - 4-H has lots of deadlines. Do deadlines cause more stress than motivation? Or is your best thinking done under time pressure? In this video, experts in professional sports, racing, engineering, entertainment, and the environment consider the value of deadlines, competition, and teamwork. Students participating in the Go Green! Planet 4-H project are learning real life lessons about meeting deadlines. Are you a person who loves or hates deadlines? Learn more here:

Go Green! Planet 4-H Introduction

4-H Youth Have Been Innovators For More Than 100 Years

For more than 100 years 4-H has been an organization that believes in the power of dreams. Recently, while looking for materials that would inspire the Sanilac County 4-H Green Squad as they begin construction of the Planet 4-H architectural model, I discovered Honda's Dream the Impossible documentary series. As it turns out, the Honda car company is a company founded by a dreamer.

Over the past year, the Sanilac County 4-H Green Squad have done the necessary work to learn more about biofuels, wind energy, solar power, and fuel cell cars. Their innovative spirits have allowed them to continue forging ahead despite difficulties, obstacles, and challenges. Like the dreamers in these videos, they believe in a promising future, and are willing to take risks to make it happen.

Green Squad, as we begin Go Green! Planet 4-H construction, I’m counting on being surprised! When I think of the next 100 years, I am confident that they will be even brighter because our youth weren’t afraid to take the risks associated with success. Remember what Thomas Edison said, “I never failed – it just didn’t work 10,000 times”.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Go Green! Planet 4-H Design Plan

Here is the 1st challenge for all 4-H volunteers and youth who are interested in helping to design Planet 4-H. Please take time to think about this program, and jot down some ideas to bring with you to the next 4-H Go Green Meeting, February 7, 2010, 1pm at the Sanilac County MSU Extension office (37 Austin Street, Sandusky, MI):

Go Green! Planet 4-H Design Plan:
Sanilac Country 4-H in conjunction with Michigan State University has commissioned you to develop this site located on Lake Huron in Sanilac County, Michigan. The site is relatively undeveloped and was chosen for its natural features. The features consist of a hilly topography, heavily wooded, Lake Front property with a large raven bisecting it. The design youth team must develop both the site and building, incorporating sustainable design while addressing drought resistant landscaping, perennials, native species, bio-diversity, water conservation, soil erosion, wave power, wind power, solar power, electric cars/machinery - and much more.

The intent of this project is to develop the following program while having a minimal impact to the existing site and its natural features. The following items must be provided in your design:

1). 7000 sq ft. Go Green Research Facilities and Visitors Center

3000 sq. ft. Research Facilities:
i.e. laboratory for testing plant, soil and other natural resources.
Storage Room
Two Restrooms
Lab tech Office
Conference Room
Two Class Rooms
10’x12’ over head door and service entrance for deliveries.

4000 sq. ft. Visitors Center:
i.e. Center to display bio-diversity ideas, conservations techniques, wave, wind and solar design. This partition of the facilities would be open to the general public.
Large display area
Two Restrooms
Curator office
Conference Room
Storage Room
200 seat Auditorium
1000 gallon fresh water Aquarium
Sales Area
Staff lounge. This is shared with research facilities.
Mechanical Room

2). Provide a main entry from the existing North Lakeshore Road. The drive must accommodatetwo way traffic movements and be twenty-five feet wide.

3). Provide a parking area that will accommodate for One hundred cars. The buildings, walkways and parking area must meet handicap standards and promote for safe pedestrian movement. A handicap ramp built form renewable recourses connecting the main building to the Lake shore.

4). Provide a 3000 sq. ft. Livestock building. This structure must accommodate for a wide verity of livestock. Innovative ways for promoting a health livestock environment should be incorporated in the design of this structure.

5). Provide a one acre food plot to grow a verity of plants. This will be an outdoor area and will feature organic growing techniques.

Additional Notes:
All supporting utilities, i.e. electricity, water, heating and cooling, for this project will be produced on site by means of natural, clean renewable recourses.

All waste produced on site shall be recycled and reused on site.

You will be furnished with a scaled site plan that highlights the existing features.

The completed project will include a completed 3-D architectural model scaled at 1” = 10’, schematic design display boards, a power point presentation, and a video.